1. M.R. Bayramov, A.M. Maharramov, G.M. Mehdiyeva, Sh.J. Guliyeva, M.A. Aghayeva. Synthesis of carboxylate type sorbent based on co-oli¬gomers of 2-propenylphenol and formaldehyde and study of their functional properties for the sorption of uranyl ions in model systems. Chemical problems, 2023, No. 1 (21), pp.85-92. http://chemprob.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/85-92.pdf
  2. G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.A. Agayeva, G.M. Hasanova, M.R. Bayramov. Acid corrosion inhibitors and biocides based on 2-allyl- and 2-propenylphenols. Processes of petrochemistry and oil refining, 2023, №4, p. 754-752. https://ppor.az/jpdf/17-Mehdiyeva-4-2023.pdf
  3. G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.R. Bayramov, E.K. Gasimov, F.H. Rzayev. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 3-substituted-8-allylben-zoxazines and their derivatives. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 2023, N6, p.540-550. http://doi.org/10.52568/001390/JCSP/45.06.2023
  4. M.R. Bairamov, Sh.G. Guliyeva, G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.A. Agayeva. Purification of water systems from uranium salts using acrilonitrile structured triple cooligomers of 4-isopropenylphenol, formaldehyde and 4-(1-methyl)-1-dimetoxyphosphoryletyl)phenol. Azerbaijan chemical journal. № 1, 2023, pp. 155-161. https://akj.az/uploads/ShJGuliyeva.pdf
  5. G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.R. Bayramov, M.A. Agayeva. Study of the con-densation reaction of 2-allylphenol with formaldehyde and methylamine and the functional properties of the obtained product. Azerbaijan chemical journal. № 2, 2023, pp. 30-39. https://akj.az/uploads/documents/GMextieva.pdf
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