Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. Khan M., Alosmanov R., Wolski K., Zapotoczny S., Soylak M. Magnetic Adsorbent Decorated with Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) Brushes for the Vortex-Assisted Solid Phase Extraction (VASPE) of Lead in Water, Cigarettes and Soil with High-Resolution Continuum Source Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HR-CS FAAS) Detection, Analytical Letters, 2024, 57, 3, 327-341,
  2. Balayeva O.O., Azizov A.A., Muradov M.B., Alosmanov R.M., Israfilli T.Sh., Hashimova S.J., Gasimov E.K., Rzayev F.H., Sadigov N. M., Abdullayev M.I. Noncovalent Doping of Fullerene (C60) into ZnAl–LDH/PVA Matrix and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue and Congo Red from Water. J Inorg Organomet Polym,
  3. Edres N., Buniyat-zadeh I., Turp S.M., Soylak M., Aliyeva S., Binnetova N., Guliyeva N., Mammadyarova S., Alosmanov R. Structural Characterization of Composites Based on Butadiene Rubber and Expanded Perlite. Compos. Sci. 2023, 7, 487.
  4. Aliyeva S., Alosmanov R., Buniyatzadeh İ. Synthesis of functionalized graphene nanoplatelets through oxidative chlorophosphorylation: Technical note. Surface Review and Letters, 2023, 30, 7, 2350046.
  5. Balayeva O.O., Azizov A.A., Muradov M.B., Alosmanov R.M. Removal of tartrazine, ponceau 4R and patent blue V hazardous food dyes from aqueous solutions with ZnAl-LDH/PVA nanocomposite, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2023, 44, 7, 1133-1146,
  6. Alosmanov R., Buniyat-zadeh I., Soylak M., Shukurov A., Aliyeva S., Turp S., Guliyeva G. Design, Structural Characteristic and Antibacterial Performance of Silver-Containing Cotton Fiber Nanocomposite. Bioengineering 2022, 9, 770.
  7. Ibrahimova K.A., Azizov A.A., Balayeva O.O., Alosmanov R.M., Aghayeva R.M., Abbasov M.H. The synthesis and characterization of PbS/ PVA-Mg-Al-LDH nanocomposite film. Chalcogenide Letters. 2022, 19, 11, 761-770. DOI: 15251/CL.2022.1911.761
  8. Aliyeva S., Alosmanov R. Fire-retardant properties of functionalised graphene nanoplatelets/modified polybutadiene hybrid composite material: a technical note. J Rubber Res, 2022, 25, 19–26.
  9. Ibrahimova Kh.A., Azizov A.A., Balayeva O.O., Alosmanov R.M., Mammadyarova S.C. Mechanochemical synthesis of PbS/Ni–Cr layered double hydroxide nanocomposite. Mendeleev Communications. 2021, 31, 1, 100-103. org/10.1016/j.mencom.2021.01.031
  10. Alosmanov R., Buniyatzadeh I., Efendiyeva N., Azizov А. Phosphorylated styrene-butadiene rubber as an adsorbent for the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution. International journal of environmental analytical chemistry, 2020. org/10.1080/03067319.2020.1796988
  11. Balayeva O.O., Azizov A.A., Muradov M.B., Alosmanov R.M., Mursalova G.Q., Rahimli K.S., Aghamaliyev Z.A. Synthesis of zinc-aluminum mixed oxide/polyvinyl alcohol (ZnAl mixed oxide/PVA) and application in Pb(II) removal from aqueous solution. Journal of dispersion science and technology, 2020.
  12. Aliyeva S., Alosmanov R., Buniyatzadeh I., Eyvazova G., Azizov A., Maharramov A. Functionalized graphene nanoplatelets/modified polybutadiene hybrid composite. Colloid and Polymer Science. 2019. 297. 11-12. 1529-1540. org/10.1007/s00396-019-04565-8
  13. Aliyeva S., Alosmanov R., Buniyatzadeh I., Azizov A., Maharramov A. Recent developments in edge-selective functionalization of surface of graphite and derivatives - a review. Soft Materials. 2019. 17. 4. 448-466. org/10.1080/1539445X.2019.1600549
  14. Balayeva O.O., Azizov A.A., Muradov M.B., Alosmanov R.M., Eyvazova G.M., Mammadyarova S. J. Cobalt chromium-layered double hydroxide, α- and β- Co(OH)2 and amorphous Cr(OH)3: synthesis, modification and characterization. Heliyon 2019, 5, 11, e02725. P:1-7 org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02725
  15. Akhmedov V.M., Maharramov A.M., Azizov A.A., Alosmanov R.M., Bunyad-Zadeh I.A., Aliyeva S.B. Equilibrium, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies on the sorption of some heavy metal ions by the phosphorus-containing polymer sorbent. Russian Chemical Bulletin. 2019. 68. 3. 514-520. org/10.1007/s11172-019-2447-x
  16. Alosmanov R., Imanova J., Wolski K., Ziemmermann R., Fiejdasz S., Przewoznik J., Goc K., Kapusta C., Zapotoczny S., Szuwarzynski M. Fabrication of Functional Carbon/Magnetic Nanocomposites as A Promising Model of Utilization of Used Crosslinked Polymers. Materials. 2018. 11. 12. 2595. org/10.3390/ma11122595
  17. Aliyev E.M., Khan M.M., Nabiyev A.M., Alosmanov R.M., Bunyad-zadeh I.A., Shishatskiy S., Filiz V. Covalently Modified Graphene Oxide and Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) in Mixed Matrix Thin-Film Composite Membranes. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2018. 13. 359. org/10.1186/s11671-018-2771-3
  18. Khan S., Soylak M., Alosmanov R.M., Kazi T.G., Sheikh S.A. Development of Phosphate-containing Polymer-based Solid Phase Extraction Procedure for the Separation, Enrichment, and Determination of Cadmium in Water and Food Samples by FAAS. Atomic Spectroscopy. 2018. 39. 4. 158-163. DOI:10.46770/AS.2018.04.004
  19. Alosmanov R.M., Szuwarzynski M., Schnelle-Kreis J., Matuschek G., Magerramov A.M., Azizov A.A., Zimmermann R., Zapotoczny S. Magnetic nanocomposites based on phosphorus-containing polymers-structural characterization and thermal analysis. Nanotechnology. 2018. 29. 13. 135708. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/aaaaee
  20. Alosmanov R., Wolski K., Matuschek G., Magerramov A., Azizov A., Zimmermann R., Aliyev E., Zapotoczny S. Effect of functional groups on the thermal degradation of phosphorus- and phosphorus/nitrogen-containing functional polymers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2017. 130. 2. 799-812. org/10.1007/s10973-017-6464-4
  21. Aliyeva S., Aliyev E., Maharramov A., Alosmanov R., Azizov A., Buniyatzadeh I., Eyvazova G., Aghamaliyev Z. Synthesis of o-phenylenediamine functionalized graphite. Fullerenes nanotubes and carbon nanostructures. 2017. 25. 5. 306-311. org/10.1080/1536383X.2017.1289924
  22. Balayeva O.O., Azizov A.A., Muradov M.B., Eyvazova G.M., Alosmanov R.M. Influence of precursor type and concentration on the synthesis of copper sulfide nanoparticles. Journal of ovonic research. 2017. 13. 1. 25-32.
  23. Alosmanov R., Wolski K., Zapotoczny S. Grafting of thermosensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) from wet bacterial cellulose sheets to improve its swelling-drying ability. Cellulose. 2017. 24. 1. 285-293. org/10.1007/s10570-016-1120-x
  24. Soylak M., Khan M., Alosmanov R., Shah J., Jan M.R. Solid phase extraction of uranium(VI) on phosphorus-containing polymer grafted 4-aminoantipyrine. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2016. 308. 3. 955-963. org/10.1007/s10967-015-4508-4
  25. Balayeva O.O., Azizov A.A., Muradov M.B., Maharramov A.M., Eyvazova G.M., Alosmanov R.M., Mamiyev Z.Q., Aghamaliyev Z.A. beta-NiS and Ni3S4 nanostructures: Fabrication and characterization. Materials Research Bulletin. 2016. 75. 155-161. org/10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.11.037
  26. Jalbani N., Yilmaz E., Alosmanov R.M., Soylak M. Solid-phase extraction of copper and zinc in water samples using diethylamine-modified phosphorus-containing polymer. Desalination and water treatment. 2016. 57. 6. 2834-2842. org/10.1080/19443994.2014.989919
  27. Aliyeva S., Maharramov A., Azizov A., Alosmanov R., Buniyatzadeh I., Eyvazova G. Phosphorus-Containing Polybutadiene Rubber-Bentonite Hybrid Composite for the Removal of Rhodamine 6G from Water. Analytical Letters. 2016. 49. 14. 2347-2364. 9586. org/10.1080/00032719.2016.1139586
  28. Alosmanov R.M. Adsorption of arsenazo III dye by phosphorus-containing polymer sorbent. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2016. 81. 8. 907-921. org/10.2298/JSC151008042A
  29. Akhmedov V.M., Alfadul S., Maharramov A.M., Azizov A.A., Alosmanov R.M., Buniyad-Zadeh I.A. Modification of industrial divinyl rubber by oxidative chlorophosphorylation and assessment of metal ion removal efficiency of obtained polymer sorbent. Polish journal of chemical technology. 2015. 17. 2. 112-118. org/10.1515/pjct-2015-0038
  30. Jalbani N., Alosmanov R.M., Soylak M. Magnetic solid phase extraction of lead(II) and cadmium(II) on a magnetic phosphorus-containing polymer (M-PhCP) for their microsampling flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinations. RSC Advances. 2015. 5. 43. 33801-33808. org/10.1039/C5RA02328A
  31. Jalbani N., Alosmanov R.M., Soylak M. Use of Modified Diethylamine Phosphorus-containing Polymer for Solid Phase Extraction of Cobalt and Lead in Fruit Samples Employing Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Atomic spectroscopy. 2014. 35. 4. 163-167. org/10.46770/AS.2014.04.004
  32. Balayeva N.O., Askerova O.O., Azizov A.A., Alosmanov R.M., Eyvazova G.M., Muradov M.B. Synthesis of CuS and PbS nanocrystals on the basis of PE/NBR polymer/elastomeric composites for their applications. Composites part B-Engineering. 2013. 53. 391-394. org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2013.05.049
  33. Alosmanov R.M., Azizov A.A. Sorption isotherms of Nickel(II), Cobalt(II), Mercury(II), and Lead(II) ions on a phosphorus-containing polymeric sorbent. Russian journal of inorganic chemistry. 2012. 57. 2. 303-305. org/10.1134/S0036023611090026
  34. Alosmanov R.M. Investigation into the kinetics of lead and zinc ion sorption by a phosphorus-containing cationite. Moscow Univ. Chem. Bull. 2011, 66. 121–124. org/10.3103/S0027131411020027
  35. Alosmanov R.M., Azizov A.A., Maharramov A.M. NMR spectroscopic study of phosphorus-containing polymer sorbent. Russian journal of general chemistry. 2011. 81. 7. 1477-1479. org/10.1134/S1070363211070127
  36. Alosmanov R.M., Azizov A.A., Maharramov A.M., Bunyad-zadeh I.A. Acid base and sorption properties of phosphorus containing polymeric sorbent. Materials research innovations. 2010. 14. 5. 414-418. org/10.1179/143307510X12820854749150
  37. Alosmanov R.M., Hajiyeva H.F., Azizov A.A., Garibov A.A., Maharramov A.M., Bunyad-zadeh I.A. Equilibrium particularities of phenol sorption from aqueous solutions onto phosphorus containing sorbent. Materials research innovations. 2010. 14. 2. 169-172. org/10.1179/143307510X12639910071755
  38. Alosmanov R.M., Nurbas M., Kabasakal S., Azizov A.A., Ahmedov V.M., Asadov Z.H. Photochemical chlorocarboxylation of polyisobutylene. Iranian polymer journal. 2005. 14. 3. 193-200.
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