2018-ci ildə dərc olunmuş elmi əsərlər

  1. A.M.Maharramov, F.N.Naghiyev, G.Z.Mamedova, Kh.A.Asadov, İ.G.Mamedov. Synthesis of spiroindolines on the basis of isatylidene ma­lono­nitrile. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 54 (11), p.1731-1734. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1070428018110192
  2. Naghiyev, A.R. Asgarova, N.G. Shikhaliev, G.Z. Mammadova, E.Z. Guseynov, İ.G. Mamedov. Synthesis of the polar double bonded compo­unds. New Materials, Compounds and Applicati­ons, 2018, 2, (3), p. 243-246. https://jomardpublishing.com/UploadFiles/Files/journals/NMCA/V2N3/NaghiyevF%20et%20al.pdf
  3. A.M.Maharramov, Y.V.Mamedova, M.R.Bayramov, İ.Q.Məmmədov. Chalcone derivatives as cor­ro­sion inhibitors for mild steel in brine-kerosene solution. Russian Journal of Physical Che­mistry, 2018, 92 (11), p. 2154-2158. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0036024418110250
  4. A.E.Farzaliyeva, Y.V.Mamedova, N.N.Hasanova, M.R.Bayramov, A.M.Maharramov. Antibacterial and antifungal ac­tivities of some hyd­ro­xy­ace­to­phenone derivatives. İndian Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 57B, p.1310-1314. https://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/45176/1/IJCB%2057B%2810%29%201310-1314.pdf
  5. F.N.Naghiyev, A.M.Maharramov, İ.M. Akhmedov, K.A. Asadov, A.N. Khalilov, A.V. Gurbanov, G.Z. Mammadova, A.R. Asgarova, E.Z. Guseynov, İ.G. Mamedov. One-pot synthesis of subs­ti­tu­ted imino- and imi­da­zo­py­ri­di­nes under catalyst-free con­di­ti­ons. Bulgarian Chemical Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, 2018, 50 (4), p. 118-124. https://www.bcc.bas.bg/BCC_Volumes/Volume_50_Number_4_2018/BCC-50-4-2018-568-574-Mamdedov-4931.pdf
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