2021-ci ildə dərc olunmuş elmi əsərlər

  1. Ilyasly Teymur, Shamirova Ilaha, Ismailov Zakir, Veisova Sitara, Aliyeva Kamala.Study of interaction in the s1 (YbAs4Se7) – Se system. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science, 58(1), 13-17, 2021, DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-58-1-3-7. https://www.njd-iscience.com
  2. Ilyasly Teymur, Shamirova Ilaha, Ismailov Zakir, Abbasova Rena,Study of the system As2Se3 –Yb in glass and crystalline state The scientific heritage, 2021, 2(61), 21-25. DOI:10.24412/9215-0365-2021-61-2-21-25. https://www.tsh-journal.com
  3. Ильяслы Теймур, Гасанова Дуния, Исмаилов Закир, Исследование области стеклообразования по разрезам As2S3-HoS и As2S3-Ho2S3. East European Scientific Journal, 2(66), 2021, p.72-77, DOI: 10.31618/EESA.2782-1994. https://eesa-journal.com/
  4. Ilyasly Teymur, Gahramanova Gunel, Abbasova Rana, Veysova Sitara, Ismailov Zakir, Investigation of the electrical properties of glasses of Tm-As-S and Tm-As-Se systems, New Materials, Compounds & Applications, 2021, Vol.5, No.3, p.227-234. scopus, https://www jomardpublishing.com
  5. Ilyasly Teymur, Gahramanova Gunel, Ismailov Zakir, Граница области стеклообра­зования в тройных системах Tm-As-S и Tm-As-Se, Физика и химия стекла РИНЦ, 2021, Scopus, Web of Science, https://isc.nw.ru/Rus/GPCJ/index.htm
  6. Sevinc Jabarova, Yusif Aliyev, Teymur Ilyasli, Afat Baylarova, AgCuS Compound as a Thermodynamic System under the Influence of Gamma Rays, Integrated ferroelectrics, 2021, p.1. https://doi.org/10.1080/10584587.2021.1965843
  7. Fuad Kerimli, Teymur Ilyasly, Sabit Mammadov, Natavan Makmudova, Evaluation of the Properties of ZSM-5 Type Zeolites Modified with CexMg1–xAl2ONanopowders in the Toluene Disproportionation Reaction, Petroleum Chemistry, 2021, vol.61, №8 p.895-900. DOI10.1134/S0965544121080041https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0965544121080041
  8. Ильясли Теймур, Гасанова Дуня, Алиев Имир, Синтез и исследование стеклообразования в системе As2S3-ErS, Научный журнал «Архивариус» Том7 #5(59), 2021, с.28. www.archivarius.org.ua
  9. Садыгов Фуад, Ильяслы Теймур, Исмаилов Зaкир, Мирзоева Рахиля, Мамедова Саба, Джафарова Егана. Физико-химическое исследование системы Bi2Te3-Er2Te3и свойства образующихся фаз. Евразийский Союз Ученых, 2021, №10 (91) T.1, 37-40, DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.1.91.1488, https://euroasia-science.ru/
  10. Sadigov Fuad, Ilyasly Teymur,Mammadova Narmin., Ismailov Zakir, Spiral growth of single crystals of solid solutions based on bismuth telluride in the presence of holmium telluride [Bi2Te3]1-x[Ho2Te3]x, x=0.05 Norwegian Journal of development of the Inter­national Science55(1), 2021, DOI:10.24412/3453-9875-2021-55-1-13-15. https://www.njd-iscience.com 
  11. Sadigov Fuad, Ilyasly Teymur,  Ismailov Zakir, Mamedova Saba,  Bagiyeva Malahat, Sultanova Samina. System state diagram and chemical,interaction in the Sb2Se3-ErSe system. Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science, 2021, 74(1), 15-18. https://www.njd-iscience.com 
  12. Ягубов Н.И,, Султанова А.Н., Ефендиева С.К., Алиев К.А. «Химическая взаимодей ствие в системе SrGaSe2–SrGa2Se4» The Scientific Heritage, Vol.2, N79, cт.40-43,  2021, Cosmos Impact Factor - 3.336, SJIF Impact Factor - 5.386. https://www.tsh-journal.com
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Tel.: (+99412) 5390559 / (+99412) 5390953 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı - 2024
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