Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. Ayten Asgarova, Khammed Asadov, Brainstorming interactive technology in online learning the discipline “Solving chemistry problems”, Journal of Baku Engineering University-Philology and Pedagogy, 2023, 1, c. 92-100,
  2. İbrahim G Mamedov, Victor N Khrustalev, Mehmet Akkurt, Anton P Novikov, Ayten R Asgarova, Khatira N Aliyeva, Anzurat A Akobirshoeva, Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 5-acetyl-2-amino-4-(4-bromophenyl)-6-oxo-1-phenyl-1, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydropyridine-3-carbonitrile, Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications, 2022, 78(3), 291-296,
  3. Farid Naghiyev, Ayten Asgarova, Abel Maharramov, Almaz Rahimova, Mush­ki­naz A. Akhundova, Ibrahim G. Mamedov. Synthesis and antimicrobial properties of some thiazole and pyridine derivatives. New Materials, Compounds and Appli­ca­tions. vol.4, №1, pp.5-9, 2020.
  4. Гюльнара Дурускари, Айтен Аскерова, Хатира Алыева, Сима Мусаева, Абель Магеррамoв, Продукты кон­ден­­сации аль­де­ги­дов и фе­нил­ти­о­золидина, по­лу­чен­ного на ос­но­ве ди­бром­этил­бен­зола  Журнал Органической Химии, 2020, том 56, No 4, с. 636–640, İF 0.542,
  5. A.R.Asgarova, A.N. Khalilov, I.Brito, A.M. Maharramov, N. G. Shikhaliyev, J.Cisterna, A. C´ardenas, A.V.Gur­banov, F.I. Zubkov, K.T.Mahmudov, Hydrogen and halogen bonding in the haloetherification products in chalcone, Acta Crystallographica C,2019,C75,342–347, İSSN 2053-2296,
  6. A.R.Asgarova, Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 5-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole-1-carboxamide, Acta Crytallographica E,2019,v.75,part 10,1467-1471, ISSN 2056-9890,
  7. F.N. Naghiyev, A.M. Maharramov, İ.M. Akhmedov, Kh.A. Asadov, A.N. Khalilov, A.V. Gurbanov, G.Z. Mammadova, A.R. Asgarova, E.Z. Guseynov, I.G. Mamedov, One-pot synthesis of substituted imino-and imidazopyridines under catalyst-free conditions, Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018, 50, 4, 568-574,
  8. R.Asgarova, A.N.Khalilov,A.V. Gurbanov, F.N.Nagiyev, İ.Brito, Crystal structure of (E)-3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one, Zeitschrift Fur Kristall­ographie-New Crystal Structures. 2018, 233(5), 947-948,İSSN 1433-7266,
  9. R.Asgarova, A.N.Khalilov,A.V. Gurbanov, F.N.Nagiyev, İ.Brito , Crystal structure of (Z)-2-bromo-3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one, Zeitschrift Fur Kristal­logra­phie-New Crystal Structures, 2018, 233(6), 1019-1020,İSSN 1433-7266,
  10. R.Asgarova, A.N.Khalilov, M.A.Allahverdiyev, A.V.Gurbanov, I.Brito, 4-[3-(Benzylamino)-2-hydroxypropyl]-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol, Acta Crystallographica, 2011, E67, o2024, ISSN 2056-9890,
  11. Ayten R .Asgarova, Abel Maharramov, Ali Khalilov, Atash Gurbanov, Seik Weng Ng, 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)phenol, Acta Crystallization E, 2011, E67, o852,
  12. Abel M. Maharramov, Mirza A. Allahverdiyev, Elmar Yı Mammadov, Ayten Rı Askerova, Bahruz A. Rashidov, rac-2-tert-Butyl-2, 4, 5, 6, 6-pentachlorocyclohex-3-en-1-one, Acta Crystall­ogra­phica Section E: Structure Reports Online, 2011, 67 (4), o881-o881, 2011,
  13. А.Р.Аскерова, А.М.Магеррамов, Э.Я.Мамедов, И.А.Рзаева, М.А.Аллахвердиев, Некоторые производные 4-гидрокси-3,5-дитретбутилбензальдегида в качестве антиокислителей в процессе окисления кумола, Журнал Прикладной химии, 2012, т. 85, вып. 4, с. 628-534, ISSN 1070-4272,
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