Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. Ibrahim Mamedov, Nargiz Azimova, Ofelia Javadova, Testing of glycerol ketals as components of B20, B50 fuel blends, Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 2023, 57(1), p. 189-197
  2. Ibrahim Mamedov, Mahmud Musazde, Huruperi Rustamova, Ofeliya Javadova, Nargiz Azimova, Testing of Some Ionic Liquids at the Synthesis of Biodiesel, İnternational Journal Energy, Environment and Storage, 2023, 03-01, p. 33-36
  3. Ibrahim Mamedov, Sahila Huseynova, Ofelia Javadova, Nargiz Azimova, Pine oil and glycerol ketal as components of B10 fuel blends, İndian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2022, 29, p. 442-447
  4. Ibrahim Mamedov, Sahila Huseynova, Ofelia Javadova, Nargiz Azimova, Rahila Huseynova, Sargiya Gasimova, Testing of pine oil and glycerol ketal as components of B10 fuel blend, İnternational Journal Energy, Environment and Storage, 2021, 02-01, p. 11-14
  5. НаргизАзимова, Муса Байрамов, Махира Агаева, Офелия Джавадова, Ибрагим Мамедов, Синтез и исследование соолигомеров 4-метил-2- пропенилфенола с малеиновым ангидридом, Bakı Universiteti Xəbərləri, 2021, №2, s. 5-11
  6. İ.G.Mamedov, O.N.Javadova, N.V.Azimova, Preparation of diesel fuel blends and study of their physical properties, Proceedıngs of Unıversıtıes. Applıed chemıstry and bıotechnology, 10(2), p. 332-338, 2020
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina 3-cü mərtəbə, 379-cu otaq, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
Tel.: (+99412) 5390559 / (+99412) 5390953 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı - 2024
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