Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. Huseynzada, A., Aghayev, M., Hajiyeva, S., Israyilova, A., Sayin, K., Gasimov, E., ... & Salimova, N. (2023). Synthesis, nanostructuring and in silico studies of a new imine bond containing a macroheterocycle as a promising PBP-2a non-β-lactam inhibitor. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 11(34), 8271-8280.
  2. Ozturk, A., Agbektas, T., Huseynzada, A., Guliyev, R., Ganbarova, R., Hasanova, U., ... & Silig, Y. (2023). In Silico and In Vitro Studies of Novel Azomethines on DNA Repair Genes in Gastric Cell Lines. Life, 13(10), 1982.
  3. Cinar, G., Agbektas, T., Huseynzada, A., Aliyeva, G., Aghayev, M., Hasanova, U., ... & Silig, Y. (2023). Experimental and theoretical insights about the effect of some newly designed azomethine group‐contained macroheterocycles on oxidative stress and DNA repair gene profiles in neuroblastoma cell lines. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1285, 135432.
  4. Agbektas, T., Zontul, C., Ozturk, A., Huseynzada, A., Ganbarova, R., Hasanova, U., ... & Silig, Y. (2023). Effect of azomethine group containing compounds on gene profiles in Wnt and MAPK signal patterns in lung cancer cell line: In silico and in vitro analyses. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1275, 134619.
  5. Huseynzada, A., Jelsch, C., Akhundzada, H. V., Soudani, S., Nasr, C. B., Sayin, K., ... & Abbasov, V. (2023). Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis, computational and antifungal studies of dihydropyrimidines on the basis of salicylaldehyde derivatives. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 20(1), 109-123.

Daha ətraflı:

Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina 3-cü mərtəbə, 379-cu otaq, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
Tel.: (+99412) 5390559 / (+99412) 5390953 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı - 2024
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