Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.R. Bayramov, E.K. Gasimov, F.H. Rzayev. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 3-substituted-8-allylben-zoxazines and their derivatives. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 2023, N6, p.540-550.
  2. M.R. Bairamov, Sh.G. Guliyeva, G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.A. Agayeva. Purification of water systems from uranium salts using acrilonitrile structured triple cooligomers of 4-isopropenylphenol, formaldehyde and 4-(1-methyl)-1-dimetoxyphosphoryletyl)phenol. Azerbaijan chemical journal.  № 1, 2023, pp. 155-161.
  3. Mehdiyeva G.M. 8-Allyl-1,3-benzoxazines as Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion Inhibitors and Biocides in Crude Oil Extraction. Petroleum chemistry. 2023, 63, 4, 394–402.  
  4. Mehdiyeva, G.M. Synthesis of Allyl- and Propenyl-Substituted 1,3-Benzoxazines and Their Antimicrobial Activity. Pharm Chem J 56, 1314–1320 (2023).
  5. G.M.Mehdiyeva, M.R.Bayramov, M.A.Agayeva. Azerbaijan chemical Journal, № 2 2023. P.30-39. 
  6. M.R. Bayramov, A.M. Maharramov, G.M. Mehdiyeva, Sh.J. Guliyeva, M.A. Aghayeva. Synthesis of carboxylate type sorbent based on co-oligomers of  2-propenylphenol and formaldehyde and study of their functional properties for the sorption of uranyl ions in model systems. Chemical problems, 2023, No. 1 (21), pp.85-92.
  7. G.M. Mehdiyeva, M.R. Bairamov, Dzh.A. Nagiev, M.A. Agaeva, Sh.Dzh. Kulieva Studying the sorption of uranyl ions from aqueous solutions with the structured 4-isopropenylphenol–phenol–formaldehyde copolymer. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021; 95(4): 769–774. DOI: 10.1134/S0036024421040178  
  8. Mehdiyeva G.M. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 3-substituted 8-propenylbenzo[e][1,3]oxazines. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 95. N.2. P. 277-283.
  9. G.M.Mehdiyeva, M.R.Bairamov, Sh.B.Hosseinzadeh, G.M.Hasanova. Allylphenoxypiperidinium halides as corrosion inhibitors of carbon steel and biocides. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 2020; 44: 670 – 686. doi:10.3906/kim-2001-23
  10. M.R.Bayramov, V.J.Jafarov, Z.M.Javadova, M.A.Javadov, G.M.Hasanova.  An investigation of the functional properties of aminomethyl derivatives of 2-allylisooctylphenols and their quaternary ammonium salts. Processes of petrochemistry and oil refining, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2020, pp. 308-317
  11. M.R. Bayramov, G.M. Askarova, G.M.Mehdiyeva, M.A.Agayeva, I.G.Mammadov, P.Sh. Mammadova, S.H.Jafarzadeh. Synthesis and Study of 1-Alkenyl-2-propargyloxy-3-aminomethylbenzenes as Acid Corrosion Inhibitors and Antimicrobial Additives to Cutting Fluids. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry volume 93, pages1638–1645 (2020) 
  12. G.M.Magerramov, M.R.Bayramov, M.A.Agayeva, G.M.Mehdiyeva, I.G.Mamedov. Alkenylphenols: preparation, transformations and applications. Russian Chemical Reviews 2015; 84 (12): 1258-1278. DOI 10.1070/RCR4
  13. G.M.Mekhtieva, A.M.Magerramov, M.R.Bairamov, A.M.Agaeva, Sh.B.Khoseinzade, G.M.Gasanova. Alkenylphenol-based pyridinium salts as hydrogen sulfide corrosion inhibitors and agents for Inhibiting the growth of sulfate-eeducing bacteria in oil production. Petroleum Chemistry 2015; 55(3): 247–251. DOI: 10.1134/S0965544115030081
  14. A.M.Magerramov, M.R.Bairamov, Sh.B.Khoseinzade, M.A.Agaeva, G.M.Mekhtieva, S.G.Aliyeva. Synthesis of hydrogen sulfide corrosion inhibitors for oil production. Petroleum Chemistry 2013; 53(6): 423–425. DOI: 10.1134/S0965544113060121   
  15. A.M.Magerramov, M.R.Bairamov, G.M.Mehdiyeva, M.A.Agaeva..Study of radical copolymerization of aminomethylated derivatives of alkenylphenols with styrene. Polymer Science Series B 2012; 54: 399-406.  
  16. A.M. Maharramov, M.R. Bayramov, G.M. Mehdiyeva, S.B. Hoseinzadeh, B.A. Rashidov 1,10-Bis (2-prop-1-enylphenoxy)decane, Acta Cryst. (2012) E 68, o 266 DOI:10.1107/S1600536811055061
  17. M.R. Bayramov, A.M.Maharramov, G.M.Mehdiyeva, Sh.B.Hoseinzadeh, R.K. Askerov. 1,4-Bis (2-prop-1-enylphenoxy)butane, Acta Cryst. (2011) E 67, o 1478 doi:10.1107/S1600536811018538
  18. M.R.Bairamov, A.M.Magerramov, G.M.Mekhtieva, R.A.Abushev, M.A.Agaeva,I.G.Mamedov. Aminomethylated Derivatives of 2-Propenyl and 4-Isopropenylphenols as Antimicrobial Additives for Petroleum Products. Petroleum Chemistry 2010; 50(1): 68–71. DOI: 10.1134/S096554411001010X
  19. A.M.Magerramov, M.R.Bairamov, G.M.Mehdiyeva, M.A.Agaeva, P.Sh.Mamedova, I.G.Mamedov. Study of aminomethylated derivatives of allylphenols as antimicrobial additives for TS-1 jet fuel. Petroleum Chemistry 2008; 48(1): 63–66. DOI:10.1134/S096554410801012X
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